804-621-2024 | 3930 Castle Rock Rd Ste H, Midlothian, VA 23112
Interior and Exterior Cleaning Services
1 hr +
Recurring Maintenance Customers Only
Exterior hand wash
Wheels & tires cleaned
Door jambs cleaned
Interior vacuumed
Mats vacuumed
2 hrs +
Basic Wash Package +
Interior disinfectant and protection
Window Clean inside and out
Bug and Sap removal
Steam Cleaning (as required)
Air refresher application
Leather Seats (leather seat conditioning)
*Package price subject to increase for all pet hair and heavy soil carpets (sand, heavy construction dirt).
Full Interior Detailing Solutions
1 hr 90 mins +
Interior detailing is the process of thoroughly cleaning and restoring the inside of a vehicle
Vacuuming carpets and seats
Wiping down surfaces
Cleaning any stains or spills
Detailing also involves conditioning leather and vinyl surfaces to prevent cracking and fading
Full Exterior Detailing Solutions
1 hr
Paint polishing is a process that involves removing minor scratches, swirls, and other imperfections from the surface of car paint. The goal of this process is to restore the shine and luster of the paint, making it look like new again
2 hrs
Removing of tire and wheel to give a deep cleaning of the interior
30 mins
Clean and restore engine bay back to its clean and new look
Exterior Detailing Specialty Services
1 hr
Restore headlights for a clear and safe vision while driving at night
24 hrs
Ceramic protection is a highly effective method of safeguarding surfaces against scratches, stains, and other forms of damage. This type of protection creates a durable and long-lasting barrier on the surface that is resistant to a wide range of environmental factors